Friday, August 13, 2010

Random Notes - January 30, 2009

There’s a lot to say about what you don’t have. A lot of reasons, a lot of circumstance. But at the end of the day, you can’t move forward if you keep looking back. Don’t let the fear of the unknown spoil the motivation or the optimism that exists because there’s no good reason why it shouldn’t always be there, abundantly present. And regardless of anything else, if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. The value of integrity and peace of mind is worth more than anything that could ever be handwritten or manmade. Everything happens for a reason, that’s a given. Sometimes though, the reasons don’t always happen to make sense.

Moving (on)
Everything is in boxes. Everything is so different. Trying so hard to stay busy, but the weight of this box is getting too heavy. Why can’t I do this, it isn’t that hard… But the more that I analyze, the more frustrating things get.
Difficult, Challenging, sad, lonely, depressed, frustrated, indecisive, scared, nonchalant, melancholy, sticking out, stressing out, bitching, complaining…..
Laughing, trying, crying, high fiving, smiling, joking, singing, thinking, dreaming, planning, praying…..

You can’t control your emotions but your actions and reactions are 100% voluntary. Nothing worthwhile is easy because to me, the things that matter the most, like the accomplishments that I’m most proud of, and the people and beliefs that I actually care about àare all a derivative, from some kind of challenge. I don’t actively seek adversity but sometimes it’s necessary because sometimes, the only way to get motivation is from self-induced positive reinforcement

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