Friday, August 13, 2010

A New Beginning - January 10, 2010

No missed calls – No text messages – another day in the books – sometimes its so difficult finding ways to stay positive – but I can’t give up – I have to have faith that better days will soon come to pass…

"No matter how hard the road seems to appear…..just know that God is by your side….as long as you keep the faith in Him, He will not let you fail….although you may be broke you are not broken…although you may feel lonely, you are not alone…. "

God please comfort me….sometimes I just want to break down and cry….I’m not depressed, just impatient….Please give me the patience to let things mature….I gave it my best today…and tomorrow I will do it again…everyday, every hour, every minute, every second….never giving up hope because I know good things will come eventually….

So I continue to push….continue to push myself to the brink of exhaustion….everyday…all to escape the lonely confines of this dirty apartment….

It may be cold right out right now but soon things will get brighter….i may be lonely right now but soon I’ll soon find what I’m looking for….my standards will not falter….i don’t mind waiting….i know I have what it takes….to score that perfect 10 bombshell….to get that raise….to pay off this debt….to get that 6 pack….

2009 was the worst year ever by far…but with all the setbacks and disappointments….now is the time to start making a comeback….no obstacle is too great….no mountain is too heavy….as God as my witness….I’m going to climb this mountain….and when I get to the top….it’s times like these….that will make everything seem worthwhile…..i can’t wait to bask in the moment….like 2005 when I was in Australia….everyday I was grateful to be in that place…..

Now I’m in a much different place….5 years have passed but my outlook stays the same….It hasn’t always been a bed of roses….and sometimes it feels like I’m sleeping in a bed of thorns….and sometimes I have bad dreams where everyone’s laughing at me….a miserable failure… the eyes of my peers…..if they only knew how much passion I have….and how much I want to become successful….well it’s no longer a bad dream….I’m going to make it my reality….slowly but surely I’m going to rise to the top….and when I get there I can finally sleep peacefully…but until then….this journey….this long, lonely, depressing journey is going to make me stronger…..better, faster, stronger….than I’ve ever been before…..i thank God for these challenges…..and I don’t care how many times I fall down…..because every day I wake up….I’m that much stronger, that much bolder, that much wiser….to be able to handle all the adversity…..that life throws in front of me….

But regardless of all else, my mindset, my outlook, my demeanor….will continue to remain steadfast, headstrong, and brutally positive… matter what…..a true solider at heart….sometimes encouragement is hard to find…..and its times like these when I have to make something out of nothing….pour out my guts and hammer the point home…..i can’t change the past….but with a little hard work….my future will become like a rear view mirror….objects in mirror are closer than they really appear.

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