Friday, August 13, 2010

Freestyle - October 12, 2009

oct12 2009

Looks like we’re back N the saddle again –
back 2 the same old way it began –
Back when the mood was a little bit calmer –
Back when the weather was a little bit warmer –
And although the shit may get me down from time to time –
I’ll never forget 2 remember the times –
Back when solutions were as simple as rhyming –
Back when team marshbanks had impeccable timing –
Seemed like 4ever and a day ago –
B4 the prescription pill popping adderall stage –
B4 the never ever ending story of anxiety weighed –
Down my frame of mind like a big of bricks –
Like the bid bad wolf coming to blow my house down -
Expecting the worse but I do expect it to get better somehow.

Got my head held high flying strong like a kite r
The pilot has spoken, and everyone’s free to move about the cabin –
It’s been a long lonely walk down that on-going aisle way –
But it’s okay for all to see freely –
Even if its like an empty picture frame on a naked white wall –
I’m still 10 feet standing tall and bullet proof –
And trust me, the bullets are popping -
Like the headaches I get from stopping cold turkey –
But what hurts me now will make me stay stronger -
From the good to the bad– the rise and the fall –
It never gets easy to give everything -
Have you ever been a part of something – that you thought would never end, but then of course it did?

But I’ll never give up, I’ll always give it my all –
Because that’s all that I have right now to fall back on –
Effort and attitude –
Creativity is the key to changing the mood swings –
A little straight forward –
Because the bull’s eye is in sight now –
Right now more than ever –
One giant target and its like nothing else in this world really matters –
And not even this shitty weather is going to be enough to keep me down –
Cause I got my focus set on that big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Still trying to find solid footing -
Cause right now I’m just getting my feet wet –
One foot at a time -
Because if you don’t stand for something you’ll sink like a stone -
Says the great bob Dylan on my 10 second ring tone.
And it doesn’t matter that nobody is calling me back –
They all know me by name –
And I know my calling card is long overdue for a comeback –
All those setbacks were minimal –
And today is one big giant step forward –
In the right direction –
My mind may be broken by all the years of self inflicted rejection –
But my body and good looks are still holding strong
From all the years of perfecting –
My craft on the daily –
But too much ADD meds have got me feeling cracked pretty lately –
Kind of like a crack whore -
Because instead of just sleeping I’ve been up for the past 4 –
Nights or days I can’t really determine the difference –
Because the focus was bottled up like the bottle of pills that used to be stuck my medicine cabinet.

But thank God for bathrooms, that what toilets were for -
Thank you God for helping me flush away another bad habit.
"And now I see the change in me was pushing you away"

Far far away from the isolate destitute –
That used to exist on 901 argyle street.
As this new season of increase begins -
Im not going to need any hugs, drugs, or gay pop culture trends –
To follow because I set the standards for all those to wallow in –
10 years later and I’m still not relaxing them –
So follow my lead and forget all the shit that we used to get hot about.
So In case ya’ll were wondering these are my whereabouts. Bot.

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