Friday, August 13, 2010

Mantra - November 9, 2009

I’ve come to the conclusion that I have made some big mistakes. And the way I used to see things was so diluted that my vision became severely impaired. And I lost the passion. And I lost the focus. But through all my struggles and personal demons, I’ve accomplished so much more than I thought I ever would be able to achieve. Mistakes can be blessings in disguise. I’ve never had to rely so much on my inner faith to help pull me through these outer doors. It’s the faith - or the expectation - that God did not bring me this far for me to fall flat on my face and never bounce back. I don’t consider myself a very religious person but I do believe in God, or positive energy – and karma. And I believe that by focusing on the positive energy, all things can be possible. But in order for it to happen, you first have to expect that it will.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. That has become my mantra. I say it before I come into work. I say it every time I’m about to lift another insurmountable amount of weight that would otherwise look intimidating. And I’m not just taking about the weight room. I’ve learned to recognize challenges. But instead of expecting the worse, I anticipate the opportunity. The opportunity to grow and the opportunity to once again, jump out of my comfort zone and show somebody a different side of me. Although I might be lonely sometimes, I’m not scared anymore. Because by the grace of God, good fortune, or whatever you want to call it, I have come to the understanding – that my best days are coming – and they’re right here in front of me.

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