Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April Flowers

To whom it may concern,
No job No money No friends No hunnies
No mission No goals No passion No lovely
Masterpieces to write about tonight
Instead it’s bricks and bones, balls, sticks, and stones
Not very glamorous from the outside looking in
But the inside is burning from being locked in
A cage, a cell, the basement, it’s hell
Afraid to tell others because they know me too well
To sit and complain on my high horse, a stain
On an otherwise lofty list of accomplishments
Places I’ve been too – all the things that I’ve become
Cooked and burnt, left for dead now I’m done
Wallowing in insignificant distain, patiently playing the waiting game
It all comes in due time, but the longer I wait, the stronger I climb
Out of this shell and into the ashes – of ineptitude
Look at me now man it sucks to be you. The truth hurts sometimes
When you’re climbing out of conditions you wished were much simpler
Suffering is relative, but I refuse to let this moment give in
Never let it go. The faith is too strong - it’s the only thing worth holding onto
Letting everything else go - not sure how else I’m supposed to
Stay strong and confident – lacking all the fundamentals
There go all the credentials, right out of the window
Humility is a dying breed – but right now I’m modestly clawing my way back into society
Fully functional and happy – that all of these circumstances mean nothing to me
Because God is back on my side – the stronger the temptations, the stronger the tide
Pulls me back into reality – nothing to offer right now, come back later
But in the meantime I’m taking all the right steps
Keep marching forward – never looking back
The memories are fond but I bid them farewell
Cause I got my eyes set on a far greater prize
Than money or fame could ever supposedly buy
Its living life like it’s supposed to be done
A man of many faces, but this is what I’ve become
A soldier of fortune, it’s my season to shine
A little bit older, a whole lot wiser
And for better or worse I’m just beginning to crawl
Over these walls and into the vast horizon
Arms outstretched, every muscle is fighting
Working, earning, savoring, learning
That sometimes the hardest falls bring forth character flaws
No I’m not perfect but I’m gonna give it my all
To get back on my feet, defeat all this debt that has been encompassing me
No longer will this master status be stumbling backward
Time to tally the losses and regain the lost stature
Rename my new swagger – not accepting anything resembling failure
Retreat is not an option this time around
The challenges are endless but so is my perseverance
All of the years of insignificant benevolence
Helps me keep my guard up regardless of circumstance
Grave yard shift, sitting here craving the innocence
Making the most out of the blessings and favor
That God brings my way, I’ll never sit wayward
Instead I’m jumping on top of opportunity
Writing it down because it will pass way more fluently
Than it ever has before
This is my story – rags to riches – it may take some time but I’m drawing the pictures
Ever so softly – it doesn’t matter that no one is listening
Because like it or not, my heart of gold is glistening
Shining brighter than it ever has before
Cause I finally got the support I’ve been praying for
That’s all that I need to break through this storm

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