Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bankz 3:16 (March 16)

Need some verbal stimulation so I can finish up this masterpiece
Need a bootleg in the background - running solo’s got a hold o’ me
And nothing seems to come easy these days
But its all part of the plan now, don’t need to misbehave
And ruin what is right now a perfect disaster
Got no patience to spell it out to you perfectly
It’ll probably end up just like a catastrophe
Welcome to my world, son
Where the sun hides forever under the moon
And the only star to come out at the midnight hour
Is an aging comet, stranded outside, taken to pasture
Motto used to be “no worries”
But now it’s like the opposite, I feel like I’m nervously hurried
To make some better plans, instead of sittin on the sidelines with my head in my hands
So hard to get motivated when everything seems so outdated and useless
Like my past accomplishments – but what I have done lately
Nothing but bullshit
Would like to think that better days are on the horizon
But these broken down fragments of greatness are dryin’
Up like an eroded old riverbed – in the pits of the marsh banks
Full of hand grenades and mistakes – toothaches and fallen grace
More humble now than I’ve ever been
Can’t even pretend anymore that things are on the up and in
More like over and out. Belay my last, gotta get rid of these inklings of doubt
Batter up batter up, time to step out of my comfort zone
And up to the plate, hit a home run and savor the rays
Of sunshine that peak out of ashtrays
Even on dark, dreary days like today
Although it may be cloudy out
I still got my sunnies on
And my success is like a rearview
Objects in mirror are closer than they really appear

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