Monday, October 11, 2010

Corporate America

Corporate America

Like a robot I’m programmed into the same ol’ routine
Got the game face ready, about to enter the regime
Of slimy sales and broken toenails
Walking across eggshells as I’m makin’ that dollar

Better highlight the favorites cause I’m setting new standards
Cranking the volume, trading handouts for favors
So far down in the doldrums as the numbers keep slumping
Sooner or later I’ll be back on the chopping block

No friends in this business – everyone’s in it to win it
A big deal on the table – cranking the cold calls
This place is like a concrete wall – impossible to climb
But this time I’m trying – to get through the unwinding
Monotony – how could they possibly….
Expect for me to build houses
Using these archaic tools

It’s like searching for fools gold at the end of a rainbow
Forecasting a scapegoat – give me, give me, give me
Liberty or give me death
Even Patrick Henry couldn’t have predicted this fight.

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