Friday, February 26, 2010

The toughest kind of strength there is

by Ric Marshbanks

Things have been challenging the past few weeks. Sometimes it feels like I’m just walking N place, not getting N E where. The frustrations of the job R starting 2 outweigh the things that I like about it. Worrying about money always $uck$. Worrying about everything kind of sucks.
I don’t know Y I worry so much. I know God is on my side and I know that my faith N Him is stronger than any collection of fears that I may have.

I wish I had more confidence N my own abilities. Sometimes it feels like I’m in a shark tank and everyone is out 2 get me. Then I put up my shield – a defense mode – and draw back. But I push out at the same time. Sometimes almost despirately and abruptly in defense of my own self ego– or lack of self confidence.

I don’t ever want 2 get used 2 being lonely. I don’t ever want 2 give up hoping 4 something, or somebody I know is right around the corner. I know that opportunities never go away. But if I stop hoping 4 them – stop expecting 4 them 2 happen, stop believing that God will bring them 2 pass, the less frequent the opportunities will B.

I hate showing weakness but I’m not afraid 2 show my weaknesses. Because humility gives me inner strength. And working out gives me outer strenght. And believing N God gives me spiritual strength. The toughest kind of strength there is…


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