Sunday, February 7, 2010

10 min of frustration

I hate shit man I got no more creativity
Positively speaking I feel like I’m sinking
Suffering from being down in the slumps in the lonely apartment
I wish I could sleep away the harm that my whole fucking body breathes
Another weekend wasted away
Another day spent in hiding
Disguising the colors of darkness and grey

So hungry so poor – not in materials but in spirit
Got to get out more often
Things always look bleak when you look from the bottom
But it’s like the top of the mountain
Is so fucking far away
But every so often
I feel the warmth of a warm summer afternoon
No worries in the world
Like a kid in his mother’s womb
Gloom and misery has always been such a good friend to me
As the frustration pours through these pores
As my anger is souring to epic proportions
At the end of the Day
I’ll just be asleep

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