Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rose Covered Glasses

Sleeping in, dreaming of better things – better days – like yesterday – years ago –
Things were so – much better – or mabee they weren’t – the past is always looked at –With rose colored glasses.
The fact of the matter is – there’s always been suffering – everything is relative – as it relates to peace of mind – there used to be way better times – than right now – but all I can do – is march forward with a positive mindset – broke and down but not broken down – this body is looking better than ever – too bad there’s no hotties to score with – forget the scoreboard – throw it out the window – cause this is overtime – time to see what you’re made of – no more faking suggestions – corrective lenses can’t even blend the direction – only one way to go – and that way is up – when you look back at this time – you’ll never want to stop – believing – regardless of the way that you’re seeing – the world and everything in it – notice the beauty in struggling for survival – it is your vital sign, a sign of revival – nothing can stop you from achieving the best – just keep looking out for the next – promotion, depiction, karma can’t stop life from evolving – always surrounding you are angles – protection amongst all of the struggles and perils – precious moments like this – cannot be taken for granted – take my hand God and get me out of this mess – feel like life is lost sometimes in this daily grind – don’t know where to go, don’t know which way is right – it’s okay though because tonight I see the spotlight – and it’s shining down upon me – God’s light is shining and I’m spotting it – now all I can do is go to bed, wake up and try to make a difference – in a world that is bleak – but nothing right now can make me feel weak – cause I got the muscles and all these inner struggles will result in positive outcomes – making the most out of things cause that’s all I can count on.

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