Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rose Covered Glasses

Sleeping in, dreaming of better things – better days – like yesterday – years ago –
Things were so – much better – or mabee they weren’t – the past is always looked at –With rose colored glasses.
The fact of the matter is – there’s always been suffering – everything is relative – as it relates to peace of mind – there used to be way better times – than right now – but all I can do – is march forward with a positive mindset – broke and down but not broken down – this body is looking better than ever – too bad there’s no hotties to score with – forget the scoreboard – throw it out the window – cause this is overtime – time to see what you’re made of – no more faking suggestions – corrective lenses can’t even blend the direction – only one way to go – and that way is up – when you look back at this time – you’ll never want to stop – believing – regardless of the way that you’re seeing – the world and everything in it – notice the beauty in struggling for survival – it is your vital sign, a sign of revival – nothing can stop you from achieving the best – just keep looking out for the next – promotion, depiction, karma can’t stop life from evolving – always surrounding you are angles – protection amongst all of the struggles and perils – precious moments like this – cannot be taken for granted – take my hand God and get me out of this mess – feel like life is lost sometimes in this daily grind – don’t know where to go, don’t know which way is right – it’s okay though because tonight I see the spotlight – and it’s shining down upon me – God’s light is shining and I’m spotting it – now all I can do is go to bed, wake up and try to make a difference – in a world that is bleak – but nothing right now can make me feel weak – cause I got the muscles and all these inner struggles will result in positive outcomes – making the most out of things cause that’s all I can count on.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Crazy Dream

My dad decided that I should go work for him at the barber shop he owns. He was opening a new position for secretary. Yes, a secretary at a barber shop is pretty weird but whatever. So I go in and all of a sudden, there is this church group waiting for me. They are all nice and everything and after some small talk they talk a little more about their religion. It is a branch of Catholic, they said. So I reluctantly agreed to go to one of their meetings after work that day.
They actually had an office set up behind the barber shop that my dad was renting for them. So the first thing they told me is that they have meetings every other day. Then during the meeting, they spit us up into groups of 4. I was happy that there were 2 hot girls in my group. The other member was this older woman, a very mean woman. During the meeting, they were insistent that I become more involved with their cause, all the while without getting into what the actual cause was. I was happy though because I hit it off well with the two hot girls. After the meeting was over I was actually pretty happy, and more interested in scoring with the hotties than learning more about their cult religion.
The next meeting was more than just a little bit interesting. I arrived at the office a few minutes early and walked in on a previous group having their meeting. It was weird because there were beatings going on! There were a bunch of naked people getting whipped repeatedly.
I immediately turned away to run to the door but was met by one of the hot girls I was talking with the other day. She brought me some presents – 2 pieces of cake to be exact. I didn’t know what to do other than to accept the gifts as a goodwill gesture. She then started coming on to me. I didn’t know what to do or even if it was appropriate because she looked very young, like 18. So next comes in the other hot girl and she had a gift for me as well, another piece of cake. She also looked young, about 18. She started coming on to me as well. Then the last member of the group came in, the older woman. She said that because I accepted the gifts, I had to join in as a full-on member. I didn’t know what to make of everything. My biggest concern was that the girls were all at least 18, but I was too scared to ask. Also, I noticed several scars on the girls’ body. Evidence of beatings it looked like.
We then go to a large house, a converted church office building with lots of bedrooms. The girls told me to meet them in a certain room and then they left. As I was walking around the house, trying to find each room, I accidentally walked in to this other room. Again, there was a bunch of naked people getting beaten. I was scared shitless.
I ran out of there as quick as I could. In the next room I entered, one of the hot girls was in there waiting for me. She immediately stripped me down to my boxers and started doing sexual favours. Before things got too intense, I told her I wasn’t comfortable with everything. I asked her what about God? She then got real tearful and admitted the reason why she was coming on to me was because she had been bad and this was her punishment from God. I told her she was crazy.
She told me not to tell anyone because part of the religion was to never reveal the punishments from God. It was difficult to hear this, being raised in the Christian faith but before I could get a word in, the other girl walks in. She was this beautiful red head with silky soft skin and giant breasts. We started kissing right away. Meanwhile, the other girl was sobbing uncontrollably in the corner…..All of a sudden, the mean old woman walks in! She alerts me that it was now time for confessions and she quickly lead me to this huge, open area.
A bunch of older men stood there with whips in hand and masks over their head. They were smaller in size, much smaller than me and were immediately concerned that I might overtake them, given my huge muscles or something. The mean old woman left the room and shut the door, perhaps waiting for my beating to begin. But the guys were afraid to hit me. Instead they told me God has saved me this time but next time, be ready to accept my punishment!
After a few minutes of small talk, I exited the room and started running for the door, fearing for my life. As I was frantically trying to unlock the front door, the redhead girl approached me and tried to coax me into staying. “It’s really not that bad”, she said. She offered to give me the best sex ever but I could not subject myself to the potential beatings afterword. Soon thereafter, the other hot girl approached me and started pleading with me as well. I immediately had a change of heart, and my desires got the best of me. The 3 of us go into this bedroom and we start having sex. Before I could finish, the mean older woman walks in, flanked by about 10 security guards. They raise their whips, in position to beat me unmercifully…..I’m scared shitless by this point, completely naked and vulnerable…..Then I wake up. What the hell?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

No More Passion to Write about

Happiness can seem so distant
Given the resistance by these outside forces
Holding me down, refusing to let go
Of the stranglehold known as underachieving
Whoa is me – unbelievably – if I could see myself now 10 years ago
Lonely, isolated, and suffering so
Miserably, from a lack of sleep
More like a little lost sheep
Wandering, always looking for greener pastures
Opportunities have been squandered
Slow down - This is a disaster
Poetry – used to flow so freely
The creativity that used to seep out of these pores
Is gone right now, just like my outlook has drowned
In a sea of disarray – watch as it dissipates
Right down to the core – hopeless, fearful, and somewhat ignored
There’s always room for better days
But in this basement there’s always darkness
Don’t know where I’m headed
So many different directions
But every which way, the roads seem to be distant
A million miles away – just taking things day by day
With this depleting cash flow
And a body that feels like a million years old
Don’t want to end up, broke, bored, lonely and cold
Sitting on the back porch of a desolate home
No friends, no family, nobody to hold
Me up when life turns its back on me
Laughing uncontrollably, like a mischievous game of hide and seek
My biggest fears are more likely to reach
The center of all this frustration
What once was bright is now dark and dreary
A mind full of panic and utter futility
So vulnerable – no one to turn to
Where do you go when life turns its back on you?