Wednesday, July 13, 2011


JPB (Jobless Basement Pussy)

I gotta get a job – I gotta get a job
I’m 32 years old man I gotta get a job
Anything’s better than sittin on my ass
Collecting unenjoyment – but the checks run out so fast
Can’t do anything in the meantime
Resumes are submitted, like I’m back in the frontline
2006 all over again but at least I had a good time
Right now is not cool, Just feel like a douchebag looser, stereotypical fool

Gotta get the fuck outta this moldy ass basement
Quickly before I get ancient and become like the biggest loser
Except instead of weight loss, it’s confidence declining
Faster than a speeding bullet, grab the trigger, squeeze it and pull it
And put an end to all this
Just kidding on that part, I got too much damn pride to ever give up
I’ll fight till I got nothing left to offer
Too damn talented to be stuck on the bottom
Sucking blood like a leach
Blood thirsty and free
From commitments, relationships, and anything else resembling what 75% of my peers take for granted every single motherfucking day

Damn I need a girlfriend, sucks not getting any attention
Except from myself, from my left and my right hand
And the few random scuzzies, man they’re so fucking ugly
Only pretty on the outside but on the inside they’re nothing
Used to be a player but now I’m a pawn
And the basement is my pawn shop, nothing worth any value
Except for my flatscreen – but I’d trade it all in to be a part of something
I don’t care what it is, I got both my hands up man, I’m fed up with not having anything
To dip my stick into

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