Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Douchebag Jabroni

Douchebag Jabroni

Nothing ever changes
And people stay the same
The only thing that matters is how you play the game
You got your winners and your losers and people in between
All clinging onto, their hopes, their fears, their dreams
But my dream is so simple, to live a perfect life
No worries over money, no bullshit stupid strife
In one hand got the passion, in the other got my balls
A freelance thought to hold on close to the things that come across
So blatantly ridiculous as singing in the rain
Walking ever so swiftly, like an everlasting pain
That pokes and probes into my skin, it doesn’t go away
As another day is wasted, waking up with such delay
The subconscious mind is a stranger
This time will never be savored
Tormented idealism is favorable
Cause Even Jesus was born in a manger
From rags to riches, but these britches have been burned ages ago
Like a lit cigarette in an ashtray of whoa
These words just won’t condone
A favorable outcome,
Cause fighting with weapons of mass destruction
Levy so much more than what their value is truly worth
And some might say that our future is cursed
But look on the bright side, I still got shades of dignity
Locked behind keyless vaults, of serendipity
Aimless and oblivious to all of my surroundings
Getting older by the minute, man
No more peace, it’s more like pounding
Headaches and mistakes, and misbehaving badly
No money in my pocket now, such a fucking travesty
The root of all evil has become the pinnacle for what to shoot for
If that’s the case, I’ll have you know,
This douchebag jabroni is about to fucking blow

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