Sunday, February 5, 2012

Family Matters

What do you when they all turn their back on you?
Do you ignore them forever, or do you pursue
A relationship, one that used to be close
But over the years has gone sour and cold
Missing out on all the moments
And missing them greatly
Then hatred reigns over
Like why don’t they take me
Back in, why should I be the one that reaches out
Instead of pretending like I never existed
Makes me feel insignificant to the outer most limits
They say time heals all wounds
But in this case, they worsen
In the back of my mind, I was never the person
To make amends, to make everything right again
But it’s hard to give in, when your pride is uncertain
Holidays, birthdays, and all of the celebrating
Is spent without me, and nobody’s monitoring
The current state of affairs, so distant and dear
Too much resistance in my heart to have such worry and fear
That no matter how many times you try to communicate
They’ll all shun me out, with hatred and discontent
What do you do when they all turn their back on you?
Sadly it’s true, and I don’t really know how to make the best move.

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