Monday, October 10, 2011


It’s hard a long hard road, a wide open hole, crawling ever so softly, trying to get back on my own - A few ups along the way but mostly down every day, the patience is in me, but I got a lot of complaints - From being too lazy to giving up too easily, you’re not trying hard enough to get where you need to be -
Is what I’ve been told time and time again, forgoing my family and friends, just putting my dead down -
And keep marching forward. The end justifies the means, I’m not being mean, just caught inbetween – a rock and a hard place. Like I don’t even want to wake up and face a stone cold reality, 32 years old, and I haven’t got anything. No girl, no job, no place of my own. Living down like a slob, in my parent’s broken down home. Complacent in the basement, at times I feel ancient, like an afterthought, trying not to let my ill advised placement get in the way of some much needed companionship. But today was a new day and tomorrow will be better . I know that with God on my side, my faith will shelter me through the days when it rains. Working out has been helpful, like my only solace, the only kind of fortitude, the shallow shelter has become like a glue – that holds me up when life gets me down – can’t think about giving up – cause there’s so much more to be found – than what lies besides me. And what lies behind of me is an afterthought, cause I know I got better days, out there in front of me.

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