Sunday, May 8, 2011

Planned out in full

God, give me something positive
To reflect on tonight before I lay my head down
I’m sick of having good dreams and waking up sad
Like the good times are over and this is all that I have
Left over
I may be low on the social totem pole in this very moment
But I know that you have something better for me to focus onto
Planting the seeds of a thirst that needs quenching
Cottonmouth kills slowly, the weeds of distraction
Inside of my blood steam
Turn the key and look inside the mind of a weakening
Heart – beating insufferably
Suffering is relative
To the mindset of the moment
Like breathing underwater
The methodology won’t last too long
Till you come up for air
Take a deep breath and dive down slowly
Into the cracks of an ocean left salty
Instead turn your eyes to the purer streams
Fishing for days, cleansing the mindset
Of things that won’t help you on your journey

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