Friday, May 27, 2011

Short and Sweet

Building bridges to better places
Walking softly, turning pages
Mending fences ever so slowly
Nothing’s worse than feeling all lonely
For the rest of your life, gotta get up early
And continue the fight
Been at rock bottom one or two times
Know what it’s like to feel the hard times
No money No friends No confidence in anything
Like living under a rock sometimes
Just gotta get out and breathe
Take a deep breath and take it all in
And pray to God that the spirit within
Will continue to keep me young, brave, and free
To one day become - all I can be
Proudly walking with a positive outlook
Because life is too short to sit back on the sidelines
Put me in coach, this is my time to shine

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It Rains in May

The secret is out
Tell me a lie
A little white one that makes sense
Because unconditional love
Is a tough act to follow

Goodbye desires and indecencies
Hello frontrunners and complacency
That come with detailed instructions
Batteries not included

Follow the yellow brick road
More like a patch of thorns
Tearing and turning
As the innocence mourns
Can you sleep soundly despite the cries of a scapegoat?
Searching for the antidote
Anxiety is sweeping over this unforeseen forest
Save us from catastrophe
Of mistakes and uncertainty
Collapsing like dominos, right here in front of me

Lets get lost tonight
Through this internet satellite wifi connection
Let the danger go unnoticed
And hold onto what you deem to be closest to
Closets and clothespins
Tornados and whirlwinds
Scatter ever so softly
Into the vast blue horizon

We do anything for the limelight
Cause suffering is relative, consuming like twilight
Brand new features
These blood sucking creatures
Creep into the foreground
Back into the future

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Anxiety shifting
Society’s thrilling
Friendship is nill
Like the boredom that kills
So much time to waste on this utterly useless user friendly website
Ranting, raving, ever so tritely
Highly unlikely to properly punctuate writing
Say a funny blurb
About somebody’s newly updated status
Upload a picture, another brilliant Kodak moment
Society sucks nowadays,
We all have Facebook to show it

Planned out in full

God, give me something positive
To reflect on tonight before I lay my head down
I’m sick of having good dreams and waking up sad
Like the good times are over and this is all that I have
Left over
I may be low on the social totem pole in this very moment
But I know that you have something better for me to focus onto
Planting the seeds of a thirst that needs quenching
Cottonmouth kills slowly, the weeds of distraction
Inside of my blood steam
Turn the key and look inside the mind of a weakening
Heart – beating insufferably
Suffering is relative
To the mindset of the moment
Like breathing underwater
The methodology won’t last too long
Till you come up for air
Take a deep breath and dive down slowly
Into the cracks of an ocean left salty
Instead turn your eyes to the purer streams
Fishing for days, cleansing the mindset
Of things that won’t help you on your journey

Runnin up that Hill (Placebo)

This experience has been humbling, at the least
Mumbling my way out of precarious predicaments
Getting caught by the tomfoolery of an immature mindset
Encouragement is much needed, just need to give a release,
In order for the malnourishment to dissipate and surcease
Thousands of more steps ‘till the priorities keel
Over cause I trip on them
Havin a bad one like the old days back when
Everyone would laugh and make fun of my character
Here is a favor; I’m used to playing the heel

Separate My Turn

Supported by these crutches
So weak I have no muscles
To push through this cloud of smoke
And come out all damper, smelling fresh like a rose
Rushing inside these obstacles
Blindsided by the decibel level
That tells tales of failure and misfortune
Looking forward to a future with a role
The evolution of the leech to the prize winning fisherman
Trying to capture to biggest fish in the pond

Monday, May 2, 2011

Inspired by Linkin Park

Shutting down, shutting off
One last breath, let it go
Into a smokescreen
There it is
An afterthought
Remember when we had it all?
You and me
Happiness was just the thing
That set it out
We set it all down
Our lives were settled
Right in ground
But before the time came - to turn the page
I walked out on you – I regret the day
Scared of growing older already established
Instead I’m growing slower than I ever could have imagined.