Tuesday, November 30, 2010

15 min of Written Down Fame.

Need a release cause my mind feels like it’s shredded 2 pieces
2 much stress N this life of mine, it’s fuckin anemic
This so called social life – facebooking from afar, turn my back and identify
The snakes looking 2 rain on my parade like a hurricane
All the lightin and thunder, washed away N a sewage drain
Here comes the moment where I’m supposed 2 get positive
But the only light 4 my opticals is the one that is dimly lit
No point 2 get all damn emotional, because it’s only a matter of time
For me 2 B sittin up tall, high on that pedestal

Don’t give a damn about the future, or the past tense
The present is the moment - currently looking 4 happiness

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