Wednesday, October 13, 2021




hot dogs

polish sausage 



happiness is just a chemical 

Amongst the mass of individuals 

Underneath the vibe of effervescent tranquility lies a bed of thorns preaching Ubiquitous conformity 

What does it matter when nothing is relevant

Pushing away undermines all the weaknesses

The energy is stale like skunk weed smoked on a massive scale. breaking down doors that took so long to build. throwing away the keys that unbreak an empty heart. 

Deceptive journeys is where we start the undercover journalism. Idealistic fairytales remain aloof in the sandcastles. Sac religious to self destruct at this point, self indulgent within the noise. Notwithstanding never ending demons in the closet standing off in the sunset, like another dull day. encompassing a days long sadness, even with night vision blinders on - the picture is present, not worthy of captions. Destruction means we own our choices. Apathy when spoken about openly. All of the things you want this to be feels like i’m so far from being what you need me to be. Saying sorry doesn’t make the feelings go away.    insecure responses insincere delays

Unrepentant tendencies 

breed trifling delays 

unable to move forward

so instead we stand awkward alone and on eggshells - so far from driven  - anxious energy feels this vagrant room ,  the inbox is cluttered with misinformed news. perception is reality so why even bother deliberating over feelings that make no sense.